Project Moses Brazil Mission 2018
Bringing Christ’s Hope to the Poor in Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul
Project Moses: A Mission to Bring Hope and Love to the People of Brazil
At Lutheran Church of the Cross, we believe in spreading God's love and kindness to those in need. That is why we proudly support Project Moses, a mission dedicated to helping impoverished families and children in Brazil.
For almost 50 years, Project Moses has been serving the needs of some of the poorest communities in Brazil. It began as a one-classroom school for local children, established by a seminary student who recognized the great needs of the community. Now, Project Moses operates three Lutheran elementary schools with over 2,500 children in kindergarten through 6th grade. Needy families receive a monthly food basket through another program called “Ray of Light”. Along with the food, families have regular prayer and devotions together with a local Lutheran pastor. The mission of Project Moses is to provide complete Christ like care for the bodies, minds and souls of every precious person living in this needy community.
During our time in Brazil, we focused on providing resources, encouragement, and inspiration to Brazilians working with poverty-stricken families every day. We also provided construction assistance for homes, organized food and clothing drives, and helped to meet the community's basic needs. Through our mission trips, we have shown the people of Brazil that they are not alone and that God's love reaches all people, regardless of their circumstances.
Hanover church group heads to Brazil - Patriot Ledger Article.
If you would like to be on a mission team in the future or desire more information about Global Missions at LCC, please contact Pastor Paul Lantz at plantz@crosshanover.org
God bless you!